Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, consists of four independent refuges: Desert, Ash Meadows, Moapa Valley, and Pahranagat. Each wildlife preserve provides a unique habitat for a variety of important species. It is the largest wildlife refuge complex in the contiguous United States, and is located just 2 hours from Las Vegas.

Southern Nevada Conservancy provides retail consultation and inventory management at Desert and Pahranagat visitor center locations, and acts as the fiscal agent for Friends of Desert National Wildlife Refuges.

Desert National Wildlife Refuge

The Desert NWR encompasses six major mountain ranges and seven distinct life zones. This wildlife preserve is a sanctuary to hundreds of species and an impressive showcase for the variety and abundance of plant and animal life that can be found in Southern Nevada. The refuge’s expansive terrain, from rugged mountains to serene wetlands, is home to the iconic desert bighorn sheep, vibrant wildflowers, and birds.

Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

Step into a time capsule of natural wonders at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. This unique preserve harbors a remarkable concentration of endemic species, found nowhere else on Earth. Wander through the lush meadows and discover the rare pupfish, darting through the clear waters. Observe the delicate beauty of the Ash Meadows milkweed, a vital nectar source for monarch butterflies. And let the tranquil sounds of the desert wash over you as you explore this oasis of life.

Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge

Amidst the towering peaks and verdant valleys of Nevada, lies Moapa Valley National Wildlife Refuge, a sanctuary for a vibrant tapestry of birds and wildlife. This refuge offers a haven for over 280 species of birds, including the iconic bald eagle and the graceful blue heron. From wetlands to woodlands, keep an eye out for the elusive desert tortoise, carefully navigating its arid surroundings. Listen for the symphony of bird calls that fill the air, and marvel at the resilience of life in this desert preserve.

Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge

Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge is a symphony of nature unfolding amidst the rugged beauty of the Mojave Desert landscape. This nature preserve provides a vital haven for numerous species, from the desert bighorn sheep to the threatened Pahranagat bumblebee. Take a moment to appreciate the intricate patterns etched into the desert floor by ancient glaciers. Admire the towering saguaro cacti, their arms reaching towards the sky, and listen for the gentle murmur of the flowing springs that sustain life in this desert sanctuary.

Visit the Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex